Wednesday, May 22, 2013

What A Boob

Remember when I said my husband, Mr Low Tech, suddenly want a smart phone?

Well, I have used my new smart phone to keep up with my business, marketing and promotion. It's also a great mini GPS, phone book and well, I don't need to tell all of you the uses.

Out of curiosity I looked at my husbands browser and of course he always deleted the history but just by accident I found out that if he uses the voice search, that history is visible with the search app.

What did I found out? It it weren't so pathetic it would be funny.

My 50 something husband uses his smart phone to search for "big boob pictures". He calls me to see where I am, if I am not home and as soon as he hangs up he does his favorite search. Because he uses the voice search I have visions of him sitting on the couch speaking into his phone, carefully enunciating "big boob pictures."

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