Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Confront a Cheating Husband? Probably Not Yet

Since the last post I have gone round and round in my's difficult not to say something...I already made one mistake. I logged in as one of his profiles and viewed his other one. I'm sure he hasn't noticed this yet.
There are a lot of things I need to take care of before I let this blow up in my face.
I found this put very well in an article I found. Here is the link, but the best section for me right now is the one titled "Suspicion Tends to Help Cheaters"

The last thing I want right now is for him to tunnel under ground and hide what he is doing. I know if I confront him right now with what I know he will lie and probably get mad and leave using the excuse that "if that's what you want to believe." I've heard it before. Anyway, I'm trying to keep my cool. Not very easy right now.

Until later,



  1. girl been there done that and have the tee shirt to prove it. my husband has already cheated once on me that he got busted for.and he is still pulling the same b.s. its all in my head, believe what i want and the rest of the mind games.leaving is an option but its the financial b.s. thats stopping me.a divorce is quite costly ,but is it worth staying and losing my mind over all of his lies, mood swings,and most of all his secrets.
    i have no answers anymore just alot of hurt and anger and heartache.

  2. I've come to the conclusion that financial issues become part of the trap because in my case I finally, too late of course, realized that he keeps me in debt on purpose. The credit cards are in my name, he has zero financial risk or responsibility in this marriage, but that is changing as we speak.
